Friday, January 18, 2008

County Supervisory District 2

I would like to share my position on items of importance to the residents of Walworth County and in particular Supervisory District 2. District 2 is largely a rural district without any incorporated villages or cities. It is the largest in land area of the eleven districts. The things important to us may be different than the things important to residents of the County who live in incorporated Villages and Cities.

1. Walworth County is under pressure to grow. Growth is coming at us from a number of directions. Our population is growing faster than many of the Counties surrounding us. Housing pressures include populations moving their primary residence from Metropolitan Milwaukee to Walworth County, Chicago land populations seeking second homes in a great place to live, and our own population growth have pushed up housing prices. We live between three metropolitan population centers, Milwaukee, Chicago and Madison. Growth will come; how we manage it is the important question. I believe we should manage growth, not just let it happen.
2. Agriculture makes up the majority of the land use in Walworth County, and Supervisory District 2. We are under Exclusive Agricultural Zoning. I am not a farmer, but I grew up on a farm. I consider a farmer’s right to farm an important right. This zoning gives farmers certain rights and those of us who came later, must respect those rights.
3. I think local people solve local issues best. Therefore, I am in favor of local control of zoning and conditional use permits. I do not think people who live in unaffected areas should be able to make decisions for those who live where the impact is felt. In other words, if you live in a city or village, you should not make zoning decisions for people who live in rural towns like Troy, Lafayette, Spring Prairie and Lyons.
4. I believe in a fiscally responsible smaller government. We cannot have everything everyone wants so we will have to establish priorities. All businesses are required to set priorities, or they fail. Our county government must continually seek to become more efficient. I believe the people of Walworth County took a great first step toward a smaller more responsible government when they downsized the County Board.
5. I will work to lower your individual County taxes. A combination of controlled spending, controlled balanced growth, and the correct priorities are the keys to lowering taxes. With controlled balanced growth, I will continue to work to bring good jobs to our County so our children can find good jobs in our communities not half way across the country.
6. Responsible government begins with informed citizens. I will work to keep you informed. I have a Blog called Spring Prairie Politics, you can use it to ask questions publicly and I will present my thoughts in the blog. If you want to correspond with me in private, use my personal email and I will correspond with you in private.I believe in personal responsibility. Everyone should work hard to take care of themselves and their family. I believe the vast majority of people are capable of taking care of themselves. I do not believe government should intrude into our daily lives.

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